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Watch this space!

Like the saying goes, from small acorns do mighty oak trees grow – or something like that – we at MindBody publishing are starting to sow our small acorns. We are excited to start to see the fruition of Devon’s vision and make connections and build collaborations with writers, authors and fellow publishers.

Stay tuned to see how our website grows as we add more and more content. We love all things books and writing and want to share that passion with you. We are busy making plans to provide book reviews, our favourite quotes, blogs and author interviews so please watch this space because, if all goes to plan, we will be posting regular and exciting content. All this with the view of helping others to achieve their writing goals and publish that book we are certain that they have within them.

Please get involved as we want to build a thriving community. We want avid readers to tell us what they are reading. It would be great to have a conversation with you. What did you love about the last book you read? Did you cry? Did you laugh out loud? So embarrassing if that happens in public but it creates such a personal buzz to know you’ve happened upon something that has made you laugh in a time when there isn’t much to laugh about.

We also want to encourage others to start reading. It is an absolutely wonderful world to enter and one with so many benefits. Who knew, for example that the top five benefits of reading are that it:

  • Reduces stress and helps you relax

  • Improves your concentration and memory

  • Vocabulary expansion and strengthens your writing abilities

  • Enhances your knowledge

  • Increases your imagination and creativity

If you know our MindBody franchise then you’ll know we are up for a bit of well-being and we are no different here at MindBody publishing. So help water our acorns by joining us on the journey.

Looking forward to writing to you again real soon.



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